I am a full-stack software developer, taking on challenging cutting-edge projects in various fields.
\nCrossing different technologies using new and innovative ways in personal, open-source and nation-wide projects.
\n \n \nI got my first personal laptop, running Windows XP. Rigged up a basic 3G connection to the Internet and started poking around to see how things work.
\nLearned basic HTML and CSS by examining existing websites on the Web. Made my first publicly avalible website using a constructor and a free hosting.
\nGot interested in scripting for games and learning C++ via tutorials on YouTube.
\nStarted learning PHP and JavaScript. Made another website using customized templates for Joomla CMS.
\nFirst introduction to Linux (Ubuntu Desktop) and network infrastructure.
\nStarted looking into wireless security and access-control systems.
\nPerformed my first successful authentication bypass for Windows Vista using a modified Linux ISO.
\nStarted helping people with their computer-related issues and became a replacement IT support for my school, rigging up a couple of school PCs with small Wi-Fi routers to give me free Internet access in the process.
\nGot a new laptop on Windows 8. Began a deep-dive into computer hardware.
\nWrote a couple of SMS-based remote access scripts for android phones.
\nStarted learning Linux for servers and Bash scripting, hosted a couple of game servers for my friends, aggregated into virtual LAN networks.
\nBegan a deep-dive into android applications and cryptography. Made a copule of reskins and mods for existing applications.
\nLearned NodeJS and WebSockets, started working for a professional CS:GO team, writing Twitch integrations and other streaming utilities.
\nStarted learning Python as a quick/PoC alternative to small scripts written in NodeJS.
\nStarted learning Pascal in school as a part of the education plan.
\nFirst time finalist of a city-wide programming contest.
\nSet up my laptop to dual-boot into Kali Linux and often used it as a primary system for day-to-day tasks.
\nWrote a fisrt authentication bypass exploit for a nation-wide transport system. Followed by a PoC for arbitrary mobile phone tracking within it.
\nObtained a set of RFID-controlled turnstiles, started exploring low-level communication protocols, embedded electronics and hardware design.
\nStarted learning SQL and wrote an inventory tracking system for event company I volunteered for.
\nSchool graduation project: Modular mesh-based home automation solution using Omega SoCs.
\nFirst time quater-finalist of a nation-wide programming contest.
\nMade a couple of websites for local businesses.
\nBuilt my first Linux Server runng CentOS 7, used it as a family NAS with access over DDNS. Began hosting CI/CD solutions for A Little Bit Different Arts, wrote SVN/Git helpers and notifiers for Discord. Set up a semi-automatic render farm for Pixar render engine.
\nStarted learning Natural Language Processing algorithms and AI.
\nSet up a homelab with Multi-WAN uplinks and load balancers. Built my first server room.
\nFirst public contributions to open-source repos. Full collaborative code refactoring.
\nStarted learning GO, C#, VBA and TypeScript for personal and university projects.
\nDeveloped a set of utilities and live-render apps for livestreaming at conventions.
\nQuater-finalist in a Moscow Programming Contest (RuCode) 2018.
\nFirst time finalist in an international programming contest (International Collegiate Programming Contest 2018 - First Stage Award Winner).
\nUniversity project: Social media scraping for creating detailed reports and predictive model construction.
\nDove deeper into cyber-security.
\nStarted learning enterprise networking, set up a couple of servers and APs for my university.
\nGot invited to participate in Google FooBar.
\nUniversity project: Datacenter-ready automatically controlled and scalable system for verifying crypto transactions (best profit crypto mining).
\nHeld a series of conferences and talks centered around cyber-security.
\nFirst time participation in CTFs as a team of 3. First time solo participation in CTFs.
\nStarted learning Java and Kotlin for my Yandex Internship.
\nGraduated MSUPE University with a Computer Science degree. Graduation project: Programmable modular control surface for live broadcast setups.
\nDeveloped a lot of procedural graphics, game servers, chatbots, moderation tools and analytics suites for a couple of streamers on Twitch.
\nGot invited (again) to participate in Google FooBar. Stopped at Level 3 after getting invites for friends.
\nContinued on expanding the capabilities of previously written software for Twitch. First experience with using 3D frameworks for web.
\nStarted reverse-engineering malware and stealers. Created a small campaign, focused around taking down malware comamnd-and-control servers. First YARA contributions
\nStarted exploring Vue3 for personal projects.
\nDeveloped a high-RPS backend for a large nation-wide system.
\nHit Top-5% on CodeWars worldwide.
\nHit Top-100 US teams on a global CTF leaderboard as a solo player.
\nStarted the development on a set of personal websites using my own infrastructure.
\n\n I'm sorry, but it looks like this page is not quite ready for the prime time just yet!\n
\n\n In the meantime, you can browse my other projects and websites.\n
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